Archive for December 2016

My Favorite Posts From 2016   Leave a comment

Smokey does not mess around. When he says the danger is extreme, believe him.

Smokey does not mess around. When he says the danger is extreme, believe him.

I debate with myself about the value of this blog at times. After all, I spend a lot of time thinking, writing, formatting … doing.

When I review the posts I’ve written over the year, though, and have to discard posts that I am really proud of in order to only show 15 posts, I know my effort is not in vain.

Here are my favorite posts from 2016. Please, enjoy!

A Family Heirloom

Auto-Updating & Patience

Book Review: Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Parts 1 and 2

Choosing A President: 1824

Yeah. We voted at this place.

Yeah. We voted at this place.

Do All Lives Matter?

I’m Exhausted

Installing Oneida’s V3000 Dust Collection System

Mrs M’s New Booth: # 4

My Left Kneecap

Soap: At Long Last

Soap Drying Rack

The Board Chronicles: California Avocado Festival 2016

Why? You Ask Why?

Why? You Ask Why?

When Nature Fights Back: A Special Edition of The Board Chronicles

Why? You Ask Why?

You Get Your News Where?


My Favorite Posts From 2015

My Favorite Posts From 2014

My Favorite Posts From 2013

Posted December 31, 2016 by henrymowry in Media

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The Best Of MowryJournal 2016   Leave a comment

These are the most viewed posts on in 2016. People from 150 countries visited this blog this year!

Six of these posts were not on this list last year, and 3 of the posts are new posts written this year. All of these posts have gone viral in one way or another, generating much interest beyond those directly in my normal, ever-increasing circle of readers.

There are 2 of Velda’s exceptional recipes here: try them, if you haven’t already. I promise you won’t regret it! It’s worthy of note that her Wild Mushroom Cobbler was this blog’s # 1 most read post for the last 2 years … until it was unseated by this year’s story about my new dust collection system. Apparently, there are more woodworkers wanting cleaner shops than cooks wanting to cook with mushrooms? If so, I very much regret it.

I focus on the recipe, of course, in the hopes that Mrs M will find time in her busy schedule to make that spectacular dish again in the near future. Maybe a little competitive spirit will inspire her.

My final observation is that I have no idea why my articles about the 18th, 36th, 2nd, 40th & 42nd Presidents are among the most read, nor why they are viewed more often than, say, my portrait of the 26th President. If nothing else, I’ve proven this year that I don’t understand politics that well.

But then, after this year, who can say they do?

In 2017, the portrait of the 44th President should be unveiled, which will then give me opportunity to update this series. Good: I already have one blog post planned for 2017!

Ductwork 16

Installing Oneida’s V3000 Dust Collection System

Installing Oneida’s V3000 Dust Collection System

Wild Mushroom Cobbler

Portraits: Ulysses S Grant

Carlsbad Caverns National Park

Petrified Forest National Park

Portraits: Lyndon B Johnson

Soap Drying Rack

Wild Mushroom Cobbler

Wild Mushroom Cobbler

US Flag: Common Display Mistakes

Tuolumne Meadows Wilderness Center

Mrs M’s New Booth: # 4

Portraits: John Adams

Portraits: Ronald Reagan

The Use and Abuse of Facebook

Velda’s Ahi Wraps

Portraits: Bill Clinton

Ulysses S Grant, Official White House Portrait

Ulysses S Grant, Official White House Portrait


The Best of MowryJournal 2015

The Best of MowryJournal 2014

The Best of MowryJournal 2013

The Best of MowryJournal 2012

Posted December 30, 2016 by henrymowry in Media

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New Mexico Vista   Leave a comment

Posted December 29, 2016 by henrymowry in Photography

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ICU   Leave a comment

Pronghorn antelope on Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge. Pronghorn rely on their excellent eyesight to detect danger. They have a field of view that is 320 degrees or more, allowing them to see in front and to the sides, and also behind. The pronghorn doe on the left appears to be looking at us while she is facing completely away. Photo by Tom Koerner/USFWS. Posted on Flickr by the US Department of the Interior, 12/24/16.

Pronghorn antelope on Seedskadee National Wildlife Refuge. Pronghorn rely on their excellent eyesight to detect danger. They have a field of view that is 320 degrees or more, allowing them to see in front and to the sides, and also behind. The pronghorn doe on the left appears to be looking at us while she is facing completely away. Photo by Tom Koerner/USFWS. Posted on Flickr by the US Department of the Interior, 12/24/16.

Posted December 28, 2016 by henrymowry in Photography

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Christmas Boards   1 comment

Mr-Ms-Logo---LargeI’m always amazed as I look back to see what I’ve made … and how quickly they are gone!

These are the last few boards I made this month for pre-Christmas delivery. All are now with their new owners. I’ll have another post in the next few days, as well as an update to my other site (Mr M’s Woodshop), to show the personalization that I’ve done on many boards also sold & delivered over the last few days. It’s become a thing!

As the year draws to a close, I am so appreciative of good delivery services! I only hand-delivered one of these, bringing my annual total to 3 boards that had to be delivered by me, or else I would have disappointed some people that deserved better. I’m sometimes slower than I would like, which a few of my customers definitely agree with this time of year!

Today, I only have 3 more boards to finish this year (!), and then I’ll have a nap. And then, see a movie. Eat some popcorn, too.

I think.

Then the new 2017 energy will come into play, and I’m going to make a whole lot of new stuff.

Next year.


California’s Wonderland   Leave a comment

California’s Yosemite National Park. Photo by Yu Shi. Posted on Tumblr by the US Department of the Interior, 12/21/16.

California’s Yosemite National Park. Photo by Yu Shi. Posted on Tumblr by the US Department of the Interior, 12/21/16.

Posted December 26, 2016 by henrymowry in California, National Parks

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2016: It’s A Wonderful Year   2 comments

The year began with an intense need: the dust had to go. As production had ramped up in the garage woodshop, the sawdust was now a real problem. In the air. On me. Importantly, in the house. We either had to embrace a more, uh, rustic lifestyle, or we needed to fix it.

So we did.

The biggest tool upgrade I’ve ever done was the result. We installed a new dust collection system to help corral the by-product of all of the cutting boards that I was creating. That story became the most read blog post of the year … and was, more importantly, a very real upgrade in our living conditions. I was no longer breathing as much dust, and Velda was no longer having to remove as much dust from our home every single day. Thankfully, I had help from the Building Inspector & the Engineer. See the pictures and read the story, here and here.

30-mbosWith the equipment in place, I got busy in the shop. I began to make Magic Bottle Openers in earnest, and they proved to be the runaway best-selling product for me in 2016: I sold over 200 of them! It seems that many people know a beer drinker that needs a little magic in their life.

Booth 4 - SoapsWhile I was making magic in the shop, the Lady was busy with her own new idea. This was the year of soap.

Making soap is science. Caustic chemicals are involved, and exothermic reactions result. Velda became obsessed with soap early this year, and started stockpiling. That’s good, as when she makes her cold process soap, it has to sit on the shelf for 4 – 6 weeks to cure before it can be sold. That necessitated a soap drying rack in addition to the 6 molds (and counting) that I have made her.

The results speak for themselves!

All of our machinations in the Mrs M world were just a side show for this year’s main event: the arrival of Camdyn Grace on April 1. Payton got her little sister!

Christopher Mowry Family

Alley holding Camdyn, Christopher & Payton

Velda got to spend some quality time as Grandmother with both granddaughters before returning to our out-of-control hobby, AKA Mrs M’s Handmade. Mrs M # 2 got a pass for this year, as she needed to attend to Camdyn. Velda & I hit the spring events with gusto, using her new purpose-built display to incorporate the introduction of soap. The business bought a trailer to haul the goods, and we ended up doing 10 events in the second quarter. Results far exceeded our expectations. And, as much as we enjoy doing Mrs M’s, it was great to relax a bit through the summer.

And by relaxing, I mean we made more product.

Mowry, Payton, Jul 2016, rocking chairWe finally got to keep an important appointment in July, and got photographs made of Payton sitting in our family’s little rocking chair – a chair first purchased by Payton’s Great Great Great Grandmother Boring as a Christmas present 121 years ago today. That story was told here, A Family Heirloom.

There were no big work changes in the family this year. Christopher continues helping to manage Castaic Lake & Pyramid Lake for the LA County Parks & Rec department. He supervises cashiers, boat inspectors, and a vast recreation area. Following Camdyn’s birth, Alley returned to her job with the city of Palmdale processing building permits & such.

Brianna is in her 3rd year of teaching at Sierra Vista Junior High. She now has 2 choir classes (!) as well as English classes. She eagerly anticipates completing her Masters in Education in 2017, and being done with life as a student … at least for a while! Michael continues with Crane Aerospace & Electronics and continues to marvel at how truly large bureaucracies function.

Lauren is now the assistant manager at Sunshine Daycare, and continues to work closely with the kindergartners there. She loves the kids … here’s a story she shared just a few days ago:

Today I was asked if Santa was real by a first grade boy. In response, I asked him if he believed. He said yes, but that another boy doesn’t. I told him that some people believe and some people don’t and just because some people don’t, that doesn’t mean Santa isn’t real. If he believes, that’s all that matters. Then, I asked the boy who I was told doesn’t believe why he doesn’t believe. He looked at me stumped and explained that he just has no idea how Santa could possibly get to all the kids in one night. Before I could even speak, another boy butted in with “THATS WHAT CHRISTMAS MAGIC IS, ITS REAL!!”

I love working with kids.


Eric continues to manage the family business and decorate his house with Lauren’s help. Their latest addition is a new kitten, named Pivo – which means beer in Slovak – that they brought home just yesterday.

Velda has now been with Kaiser for 15 years, but has transitioned away from her nursing home responsibilities into more of a community-based primary care role. She runs clinics at several area assisted living facilities, and has more than 150 patients that she provides care for in their homes. Is she busy? You bet. She often explains to Mrs. M’s customers the reason she makes soap and lotions: “I have yet to give someone lotion and make them cry!” Not so in her “real job,” where many need to be led through their aging or end of life crisis, and tears are common.

I continue with Smarts Broadcast Systems as Director of Marketing; I’ve now been there 5 years. One of my favorite things to do with them is interview broadcasters; those interviews publish in the Small Market Radio Newsletter as well as on our website. You can read those interviews, here.

Today, we are blessed to be with all of our kids at Christopher & Alley’s house. It just doesn’t get much better than that.

Merry Christmas to you and your family. May the holiday spirit stay with you throughout a wonderful 2017!


2015: It’s A Wonderful Year

2014: It’s A Wonderful Year

2013: It’s A Wonderful Year

2012: It’s A Wonderful Year

Posted December 25, 2016 by henrymowry in Living Life

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A California Christmas   1 comment

Snow decorates the desert under a dreamy night sky at California's Joshua Tree National Park. Photo by Craig Schoenbaum. Tweeted by the US Department of the Interior, 12/20/16.

Snow decorates the desert under a dreamy night sky at California’s Joshua Tree National Park. To survive, Joshua trees depend on perfect conditions, including a crisp winter freeze – researchers believe that freezing temperatures may first damage the growing end of a branch and then stimulate flowering, followed by branching. Photo by Craig Schoenbaum. Tweeted by the US Department of the Interior, 12/20/16.


Joshua Tree National Park

The Fire In The Sky

The Milky Way And The Joshua Tree

Posted December 24, 2016 by henrymowry in California, National Parks

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Winter’s Colors   Leave a comment

Posted December 23, 2016 by henrymowry in National Parks

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Utah Drama   1 comment

Right place, right time: Stormy skies ⚡️ over Horseshoe Bend at Glen Canyon National Recreation Area by Jeremy Stevens. Tweeted by the US Department of the Interior, 12/2/16.

Right place, right time: Stormy skies over Horseshoe Bend at Glen Canyon National Recreation Area. Photo by Jeremy Stevens. Tweeted by the US Department of the Interior, 12/2/16.

Posted December 22, 2016 by henrymowry in Photography

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