Archive for November 2018

Commissioned Pieces   Leave a comment

I do a lot of wedding & anniversary gifts. Here you see several different styles … as well as a couple of other special orders thrown in.

I have a love/hate relationship with special orders, honestly. Keeping track of them, their individual deadlines & extra steps required for the personalization is another record keeping system that I have to maintain to stay on top of these orders. It’s a wonderful thing, truly – who wouldn’t want to be a part of a wedding as a gift supplier? Lots of love there, and that’s a good thing.

A very good thing.

Also shown are a sign for a restored car’s dash (the Beach Bug sign). It’s a carved sign with painted letters. Similar techniques were used with the making of the final piece, that shows the longitude & latitude for the happy couple’s meeting, engagement & wedding.

Cutting, Display or Serving?   Leave a comment

OK, I’m behind.

Way behind.

I’ve been making stuff, and even taking pictures … and then hurriedly going to events so I have to make more stuff. This cycle has been repeating for 3 months now.

3 months.

So, yes, I’m behind. Many of these items were made months ago, and have already sold! … but I’m just now showing them to you here. Sorry about that.

This includes the very latest stuff for the holiday boutiques, as well, so please enjoy the pretties … because they will be gone soon, I trust!

Signs: Trying For Completion   3 comments

Only a couple more new signs this time: the collection of signs for my booth is just about complete.

I’m out of wall space, for one.

And, now that the display is built out, it’s time to see if people really like these signs enough to buy them, or if they just like to point and laugh. Either way, I think I’ve accomplished my original goal of making the booth more attractive and interesting.

This weekend, I head north to do my first-ever Harvest Festival in San Mateo. This series of events is what the serious vendors do in California.

Time to see if I am serious enough.

Nah. Time to see if I’m happy enough. That’s the ticket.

I’ll be taking my indoor booth setup with 4 mesh walls, and I’ll be setting up a 10’x20′ booth. Hope it all works: after a week in the midwest dealing with the death of a loved one, I’m not sure if going a-vendoring will be a relief or another in a long list of really difficult days.

Time will tell.

Meanwhile, these are the signs that are going with me. Some are new, some are replacements for signs I’ve sold … and all hope to be entertaining.



The Cribbage Obsession   3 comments

It took me far too long to begin seriously making cribbage boards. When I started … I couldn’t stop. I can’t stop.

I’m obsessed.

I’m currently in the throes of preparation for the largest holiday events, and this year, I’ve committed myself to two very large events. So, I had to get to making. And that’s what I did, as you will see.

These cribbage boards are uniquely designed so you can combine the top of your choice with the bottom of your choice. Two styles are offered: a 3-track, oval design and a 4-track round design.

You get to choose.

I trust that these will prove popular with holiday gift givers. The initial reaction to these has been rather spectacular, honestly, so as I’ve built out more & more options … well, I now have 4 containers filled with, uh, options.

Here are the latest.

Still to come: a simpler 2-track version. God willing, the first ones of those will be done before Thanksgiving.


This Cribbage Thing Is Catching On

New: Cribbage Board Sets