Archive for the ‘California’ Tag

California Bears Are Back!   Leave a comment

Alas, I cannot bring back the California Grizzly Bear, which was last sighted in 1924 and declared extinct shortly thereafter. It was hunted to extinction after the gold rush caused ’49ers to encroach on the bears’ habitat.

I do have a couple of stories about the bear that first graced the flag of the very short-lived independent California Republic. That happened in 1846 … and apparently California has been dependent ever since.

Bear baiting, where bears were put into fights against bulls, were a big spectacle in the California of the 1800s. Horace Greeley, a newspaperman of great accomplishment, saw one of these fights and observed that a bear fought with a downward swipe while a bull countered with a horn’s upward thrust. This caused Greeley, it was said, to coin the terms of bear & bull markets for Wall Street.

This wasn’t fake news (joke! It’s a joke!), but it wasn’t true. The popular term (OK, not so popular with most) for a bear market has a very different beginning, which you can read about in Merriam Webster’s article, here.

California has plenty of wild spaces where grizzlies could thrive, but efforts over the last few decades to move up to 500 grizzlies back into California have not been successful. You can draw your own conclusions about whether California is wild enough to support the mighty grizzly bear.

The bears that I make are all from Black Walnut, and measure 19″ from nose to tail. They stand about 9-1/2″ high.

These bears and everything else that I make in the Woodshop are now available on my new site, Special offers for this one-time-only launch month are free shipping for any order over $50, and 20% off everything, site-wide, when you use the promo code “MrMsLaunch.”

Here’s the link to go straight to the page for these California Bears.

New: Cribbage For 2 … And California!   Leave a comment

It took me forever to get these done.

I had the idea. I had the design.

I even had the California boards done for months … but didn’t have the bases done.

For months.

Finally, though, I had my breakthrough and finally got 2 pairs of 2-person Cribbage boards done.

As with all of my boards, the base holds the cards & pegs. The tops are interchangeable, so you can choose the bottom and top that you most like.

The standard “race track” 2-player version is a common design; it’s the board that most people have used. The California board is my own design. Every California I make will have yellow wood in it … California is the Golden State, after all.

Half of these are now sold (note that I neglected to photograph one of the 2-player sets … and it’s sold. Sorry!). I was intrigued that the purchaser of the California set went stripey-stripey. No plain wooden pieces for her California!

I continue to add to the collection of custom 3- and 4-player boards. More of those designs will soon follow; check out the links below to see the other cribbage boards I have made.


The Cribbage Obsession

This Cribbage Thing Is Catching On

Odd   Leave a comment

Voting 2016   Leave a comment

The bigger elections have always had a polling place in a neighbor’s garage, about a dozen houses away.

Not this time. We were consolidated into a larger precinct, and several hundred voters converged on the nearest park to do their duty as a citizen.

I didn’t even have to show an ID. I self-identified, signed in, and got a ballot.


You Don’t Know How Voting Works

Proving You’re You

First Tuesday After the First Monday in November

Posted November 16, 2016 by henrymowry in California, POTUS

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The Golden State   1 comment

California's Redwood National Park. Photo by Aron Cooperman. Tweeted by the US Department of the Interior, 6/28/16.

California’s Redwood National Park. Photo by Aron Cooperman. Tweeted by the US Department of the Interior, 6/28/16.


Redwood National Park

Lady Bird Johnson Grove

Redwood National and State Parks

Posted July 14, 2016 by henrymowry in California, National Parks

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Long-Lived Giants   Leave a comment

If you have not walked among the giant sequoias, then you have not experienced one of the unique and wonderful experiences in California. Three quick facts:

  1. Sequoiadendron giganteum trees have been found to be 3,500 years old by counting their rings.

  2. Sequoia trees are the largest living things, growing to an average height of 164 – 279 feet and 20 – 26 feet in diameter. Record trees reach over 300′ in height.
  3. Mature trees are estimated to have 11,000 cones at any one time, and are thought to distribute 300,000+ seeds each year. In spite of that, the trees occur naturally only in groves on the western slopes of California’s Sierra Nevada Mountains.

Giant sequoia trees in the Kings Canyon/Sequoia National Parks. Photo by Tiffany Nguyen. Tweeted by the US Department of the Interior, 10/19/15.

Giant sequoia trees in the Kings Canyon/Sequoia National Parks. Photo by Tiffany Nguyen. Tweeted by the US Department of the Interior, 10/19/15.


Kings Canyon National Park

Sequoia National Park

Posted June 20, 2016 by henrymowry in National Parks

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Critters   1 comment

I Must Go To Whiskeytown   Leave a comment

Beauty found in tragedy:

While no one really knows the origin of the Whiskeytown name, local folklore tells of a miner by the name of Billie Peterson who had a mishap in the 1850’s. While hauling supplies back to his mine, the pack on his mule’s back came loose and a whiskey barrel went tumbling down the hillside, breaking on the rocks below and spilling its contents into the creek. From this christening came the name Whiskey Creek, and the small settlement that established itself next to the waterway became known as Whiskeytown.

Known for the sapphire-blue waters of its lake, Whiskeytown National Recreation Area in Northern California has more to offer visitors. This 39,000-acre recreation area is also home to pristine mountains, 70 miles of hiking trails and stunning waterfalls — like Boulder Creek Falls pictured here. Photo by Jesse Barden. Posted on Tumblr by the US Department of the Interior, 10/14/14.

Known for the sapphire-blue waters of its lake, Whiskeytown National Recreation Area in Northern California has more to offer visitors. This 39,000-acre recreation area is also home to pristine mountains, 70 miles of hiking trails and stunning waterfalls — like Boulder Creek Falls pictured here. Photo by Jesse Barden. Posted on Tumblr by the US Department of the Interior, 10/14/14.

I admit it: I’m a sucker for a star filter. But the photograph is spectacular, yes?


Whiskeytown National Recreation Area

Whiskeytown Marinas


California’s Cadiz Dunes   Leave a comment

The United States Congress designated the Cadiz Dunes Wilderness (map) in 1994 and it now has a total of 19,935 acres. All of this wilderness is located in California and is managed by the Bureau of Land Management. Tweeted by the US Department of the Interior, 2/18/14.

The United States Congress designated the Cadiz Dunes Wilderness in 1994 and it now has a total of 19,935 acres. All of this wilderness is located in California and is managed by the Bureau of Land Management. Tweeted by the US Department of the Interior, 2/18/14.


Alabama Hills of California


The Butterfly Saved By An Airport

Portraits: Migrant Mother, 1936

Desert Bighorn Sheep

Vasquez Rocks Natural Park Area

Our Hills Will Burn

California Juniper

California Black Oak

California Buckwheat Spring

California Buckwheat Fall

Variegated Meadowhawk   1 comment

Jim Carretta shot this female dragonfly in Anza Borrego Desert State Park, northeast of San Diego. Here’s his story:

This dragonfly would not co-operate.  It could not be approached from above or eye level, as it would fly off every time I got close.  So I started by laying on my back and photographing it from about 3 feet below, SLOOOWLY raising my arm and pushing the shutter.  Mostly, I was getting photos of blue sky, a piece of a blurry dragonfly, or just the branch.  I couldn’t reach the tip of the branch that way.  So I started to raise myself up on one arm, like a yoga-plank pose, one arm anchoring me, the other reaching up towards the sky, my body diagonal to the ground, my right hand only a few inches from the dragonfly.  It took about 10-12 shots before I got this one.

Underexposed by one stop to capture the blue sky!

Camera: Olympus 850 SW Stylus
Settings: 1/400 sec, ISO 64, f/5.6

Courtesy of


Anza-Borrego Desert State Park

Variegated Meadowhawk