Upgrades Are Hell   1 comment

Velda had been using a Windows 98 computer – when she sat at her desk. Given that operating system was being orphaned by Microsoft, it was time for an upgrade.

I was having computer problems with the laptop. Consistency is an issue, and since I was getting an alarming number of blue screens … it was time for an upgrade.

The holidays are the perfect time for an upgrade.

I now have Velda’s computer 100% together, I believe. With no back up strategy in place, however … but she’s up, for now. As promised.

My computer, not so much. I have data spread across different hard drives. I have programs that won’t run. I have 4 computers running in my office and I’m trying to put the pieces back in the right places. I do know a few things:

1. I hate Windows 8.

2. It is always challenging to keep backups up to date and 100% reliable.

3. Your computer will die. If you don’t have all data backed up right NOW, then you’ll have a problem when your computer dies. Unexpectedly. Inconveniently. Totally.

4. I could be working with wood … but that is so last week!


Posted December 30, 2013 by henrymowry in Living Life

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One response to “Upgrades Are Hell

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  1. yeah – and unlike dealing w/cranky computers, woodworking is fun!!! grins g

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