Archive for the ‘cholla’ Tag

Cholla   1 comment

While Joshua Tree National Park is known for its twisty, spikey Joshua trees, the park is home to so much more! In this southern California landmark, three distinct ecosystems come together to create extraordinary diversity. It also has some pretty amazing views, like this one of sunset over the “jumping” cholla cactus garden. Photo by Nina Mayer Ritchie. Posted on Tumblr by the US Department of the Interior, 5/29/16.

While Joshua Tree National Park is known for its twisty, spikey Joshua trees, the park is home to so much more! In this southern California landmark, three distinct ecosystems come together to create extraordinary diversity. It also has some pretty amazing views, like this one of sunset over the “jumping” cholla cactus garden. Photo by Nina Mayer Ritchie. Posted on Tumblr by the US Department of the Interior, 5/29/16.


Joshua Tree National Park

The Fire In The Sky

The Milky Way And The Joshua Tree

Posted May 29, 2016 by henrymowry in California, National Parks

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