Archive for the ‘4 player cribbage’ Tag

Yes, I Make Cribbage Boards   1 comment

I mean, I must. I buy cards by the case and pegs by the hundreds.

Things just sort of sneak up on you, sometimes.

However, when I’m at a craft fair (ah, memories….), it’s very common for me to be asked if I make cribbage boards. So yes, yes, I do. And since I’m working feverishly (but without fever, in case you intend to test me for everyone’s favorite virus) to round out my inventory for the coming holiday season, it’s best if I make some round cribbage boards.

Here’s the latest batch, including some special orders that prompted this flurry of making.

There are a couple of 3 player bases at the bottom of this post, and several 4 player bases. There are many, many carved tops for both styles that are already made. Here is how they work:

  • The tops & bottoms work together. Choose the bottom you like, pair it with a top, and you’ve got your own set.
  • Each round bottom is for a 4-player game (or 2-player or 3-player!). 2 decks of cards & 3x pegs in 4x colors are included.
  • Store your cards & pegs in the bottom; the top covers that storage compartment.
  • The oval sets are for a 3-player game (or 2-player!). 1 deck of cards & 12 pegs are included.

These are all available for purchase on my retail website, All cribbage sets ship for free! Here’s a direct link to the games that are currently available.


Cribbage Is My #1 Game

The Cribbage Obsession

The Cribbage Obsession   3 comments

It took me far too long to begin seriously making cribbage boards. When I started … I couldn’t stop. I can’t stop.

I’m obsessed.

I’m currently in the throes of preparation for the largest holiday events, and this year, I’ve committed myself to two very large events. So, I had to get to making. And that’s what I did, as you will see.

These cribbage boards are uniquely designed so you can combine the top of your choice with the bottom of your choice. Two styles are offered: a 3-track, oval design and a 4-track round design.

You get to choose.

I trust that these will prove popular with holiday gift givers. The initial reaction to these has been rather spectacular, honestly, so as I’ve built out more & more options … well, I now have 4 containers filled with, uh, options.

Here are the latest.

Still to come: a simpler 2-track version. God willing, the first ones of those will be done before Thanksgiving.


This Cribbage Thing Is Catching On

New: Cribbage Board Sets

This Cribbage Thing Is Catching On   8 comments

Since I’ve finally broken through and started making cribbage boards, I’m getting obsessed. Variations abound, and I’m only scratching the surface.

Last weekend, I sold more cribbage boards than cutting boards. That’s a sobering thought … especially since so many people comment that this is a game for old folks that so few play anymore.

But then, people also tell me that no one uses wooden cutting boards, either.

I’m going to keep doing what I’m doing, and people get to choose. That seems to be working out so far!

All cribbage boards are finished with lacquer. They are not cutting boards (yes, I’ve been asked), and they are not food ready. They do, however, come with the cards and pegs for playing, held in the convenient storage slots under the top. All of these sets are customizable: any 4-track set top can go with any 4-track set bottom (the 4-tracks are the round ones, about 14″ in diameter). The oval sets are 3-tracks, and are 10″ x 14″.


New: Cribbage Board Sets