Archive for the ‘Best of’ Tag

The Best of MowryJournal: 2012   6 comments

Here’s a list of my top blog posts of this year.  A few things this teaches me:

* The # 1 post for the year is a collection of Kyle Duffy’s pictures of the landing of Space Shuttle Endeavour.  Great pictures; check them out if you haven’t already.

* What primarily attracts people to MowryJournal … are words.  Who knew?  I write stuff, and you read.  Thank you for your attention!

* Please note that a couple of posts from MrsMowry are in the top 15 … so her quality is complementing my quantity nicely.

* Some of the things I care about don’t get much response (I note none of the Portraits series are in the top 15).  As one of my first favorite bands said, “It don’t matter to me…”  I’m going to keep writing about the things I’m passionate about.  Take what you like, ignore the rest.

I mean, who doesn’t?  🙂

Here are links to the top 15 posts of 2012:

Space Shuttle Endeavour

I am an Eagle Scout

Orange Liqueur Taste Test

My President


Our University-Obsessed Society


John Wooden’s Statue

2012: It’s a Wonderful Year

Black and White

Babies Have It Easy

The Perfect Sunset

Your Family Tree

The Use and Abuse of Facebook

Hawaii’s Botanical Gardens

Any suggestions on what you’d like to see us cover in 2013?  Please leave comments, thoughts & suggestions!