Archive for October 2023

The V Board   3 comments

I’ve been sitting on this lumber for 18 months.

Well, not really. I’ve had it stored on end in the cut-offs rolling cart for most of that time, waiting for me to figure out what it was. The cut off was about 30″ long, 8″ wide … and I wasn’t sure what it was. It had really pretty, creamy sapwood on both sides, some bark, and that vibrant yellow from newly smoothed Osage Orange in sort of an hourglass shape down the middle.

It was pretty. But I didn’t know what it was.

So, as I occasionally do, I went to what’s her name for inspiration. It went something like this.

Me: “This board is pretty, but I don’t know what to do with it. What should I do with it?”

Her: “Make something.”

Me: “But what should I make? I like this wood.”

Her: “Cut it up and make a board.”

I swear that’s what she said.

See? Great inspirational dialogue. That’s why we’ve been married for 45 years.

So here is that pretty board. Pure Osage Orange, AKA Hedge. The vibrant yellow will darken with age and UV exposure, and end up being a medium brown. The creamy sapwood (newer growth) will not change color much, I believe.

Small Board 23 – 401a. Osage Orange. Approximately 9″ x 11″ x 5/8″. Non-skid rubber feet.

Since the Lady was so much help, I left an Easter Egg for you to enjoy.

Small Board 23 – 401b, AKA the V board.

Posted October 27, 2023 by henrymowry in Woodworking

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